On the date 2019/5/30,we garde 9 student participated in public police partnership.This community works for keeping our society secure and peaceful.Police Office which is situated at RANIPOKARI, Kathmandu.All the student were very excited to go over there. It was a awareness class for student about the misuse of social media.
The class was very motivation.Nowadays,criminal are everywere.Even in the internet they are donig wrong things like spamming,hacking and even posting annoying videos. And as almost everyone nowadays have access to internet and social media we were instructed to be more aware from these kinds of activities.
All the things were relatable to many of our friends. Not only that he even gave us some solution which will help us to get out of those all problem.We should not misuse it but we can use it for many educational purpose etc.As it was taught we should not use social media to harm other people. After that class we were shown the control room. All the CCTV camera photos were recorded there.He gaves knowledge about many things which is very essentail in our life.