Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Internet and its Advantages and Disadvantages

Now a day, the  internet has become the most popular and infuluential medium in the world ehreas it's has been unknown to peole fiftten years before. It is the biggest source of information,communication, and advertising. Computes and the internet are present in most homes but it has its own advantages and disadvantage . The internet has many aaapplication like blockChain , Artificial Intelligence, Internet of things ,and etc.

-Advantages of internet

1. Electroic communictaion- Before the internet came into existence, to communication with someone who isn't in the same room as you ,you would have to call them on a phone.With the introduction of the internet,we now have the ability to send and receive messages through electronic mail-virtually instantaneously and without the need of a postage stamp.

2.Online Shopping- The internet made it easier for individuals to price compare between different online retailers to see which one offers the best selections and prices.

3.Online Banking- Nowadays, online banking is pratically the norm.you log into your online accounts to pay bills, transfer funds,or just to check your balnce.

4.The internt of things- the main advantage of the internet is its ability to connect billions of computers and devices to each other. Not only does the internet create convenience in sharing and receiving information between users,another advantage of modern internet is its ability for automation .

-Disadvantages of internet

1,Bulling, untered trolls or abusive people. Another issue that has increased ovr the years is cyberbullying.

2.Pornographic and violent images- In our digital age, there is a nearly an ifinite amount of content on the internet. While there are amazing resources, such as wikipedia, less desirable content also exists.Consequently,users can accidentally come across violent or pornogarphic images that they may not want to view.

3.Spam and advertising- It's great that the internet can facilitate reaching a musch wilder audience than traditional adverstising methods. However, because digital advertising can be sent on a  massive scale,you might see more spam in your inbox than junk mail in real life.

4.Health issues and obesity- As with watching TV,spending too much time on the computer surfig the internet oe playing games can also lead to obesity and an un healthy lifestyle.


Hence Internet is called network of networks. Internethas got both advantage and disadvantage we should use it wisely. We should not misuse the internet.


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